Educational tour for pupils and adults. During your trip to Sami village insummer, you will learn about life of the indigenous people ofthe Kola Peninsula. You will taste national dishes. Meet and feed the reindeers. In addition, you will find fascinating stories of our guide about ancient Sami shamans, unique rites and offerings. You can buy unusual souvenirs and amulets created in accordance with the cultural tradition of this Finno-Ugric people.
The Sami are people of an original Arctic culture. Currently, the total number of Sami on the territory of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Russian Federation is about 50 thousand people, but the Russian Sami, who live mainly in the North-East of Kola Peninsula, make up only a small part of them. As of January 1, 2018, their number in the region is 1,599.
Price per person, provided that there are 20 people in the group
The cost varies depending on the number of people in the group
The manager will gladly calculate the cost of the tour for your group.